May 30, 2011

Noam Chomsky: Democracy & the Public University

Noam Chomsky: Democracy & the Public University from CSRCproject on Vimeo.

Rebecca Schein in Conversation with Noam Chomsky
Carleton University: April 8, 2011

Noam Chomsky received his Phd in linguistics in 1955 from the University of Pennsylvania. The major theoretical viewpoints of his doctoral dissertation appeared in the monograph Syntactic Structure, 1957. This formed part of a more extensive work, The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory, circulated in mimeograph in 1955 and published in 1975. Chomsky joined the staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1955 and in 1961 was appointed full professor. In 1976 he was appointed Institute Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. Chomsky has lectured at many universities here and abroad, and is the recipient of numerous honorary degrees and awards.